Den Windows Replaced with Low-E type

Den Windows Replaced Low-E (4)

Not sure of the age (maybe 80’s) of the old wood windows but clearly they were installed a long time ago and did a very poor job of keeping the cold and heat out of the den since they were single pane with no storm windows or screens, I had to order these new windows and it took over a month to come in, I measured 3 times before I ordered them and all 4 fit perfect, looking forward to having windows with screens that can open without lots of force ( A small hammer and or pry bar) and having to place a expandable screen below the sash.

The new windows are Low-E glass and so far we can feel a difference in the room. Low-emissivity (low-e) coatings on glass control heat transfer within the insulated glazing. Windows manufactured with low-e coatings typically cost about 10% to 15% more than regular windows, but they reduce energy loss by as much as 30% to 50%.

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