Den Stairs Falling Apart

Den Stairs Falling Apart

The Den Stairs Falling Apart at the back door leading to the den. We stopped using this door some time ago, the wood was rotting and the sagging was bad. The other problem was the ‘Landing’ area dipped downwards and was so short you could not stand on it and hold the storm door open.

The other door off the kitchen was the go to door for a long time even if you were in the den you would walk through the dining room and into the kitchen then out that door. It’s still taking time for us and the dogs to get use to having this door working without fear of falling. I still have to paint and add a small railing to the steps but the heat has slowed me down.

On another note, I used wood on the landing that was leftover wood from the guest house flooring, that flooring was ripped up when the guest house floor was it was redone. You can see guest house work here.

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