“Progress and Updates on Guest House Renovations, Including New Flooring, Trim, and More”

Guest house work still left to finish is the drywall the flooring to the edges, all the trim, lots of sanding of the drywall compound and painting, along with a new breakfast island which I am still thinking about, plus I will add a back door so it has a second way in and out, Karen thinks I come up with some good ideas and let’s me run with it.

What is done and can’t be seen is the replacement of 5 floor joists, all new OSB subfloor, repairing the joists that are logs from over 200 years ago, crawlspace encapsulation with dehumidifier new concrete piers lot’s of wiring repairs that were first added in the 80’s; Plumbing and wall insulation added where it had none, a look back will show you the early stages click here.

I have been on a vacation of sorts for several reasons, cold temps, Thanksgiving, Christmas and just needed a break from this, plus the truck and Jeep needed work as issues arose with both.

I’m looking forward to the completion as other projects in the main house need to be addressed along with trips to that crawlspace (I hate crawlspaces).

Tips for Repairing Rotten Eave Corner: Importance of Addressing Minor Damage

The den corner eave was rotten at the tip the day I moved in, however with all the other work needed I just now got to this a year later.

It’s a lesson all homeowners should be aware of, what looks like a minor repair can turn into much bigger, this hole in the corner actually had damage to 4 boards which had to be replaced. 2 of the longer boards had the rotten section removed and new wood added, the metal roof edge was unscrewed and lifted to allow the new wood to go behind the roof.