Sidewalk rebuild part 1

Sidewalk rebuild part 1

As you can see from the 1st picture the brick walkway going to the smoke house was disappearing into the grass, I have no idea as to the age of the walkway, I do know that the bricks were laid on top of cement with nothing in the gaps, allowing dirt and grass, weeds, etc to grow in the cracks.

We (Thank you Karen) removed the old bricks and reused some to act as a expansion joint between the slabs of concrete, the bricks were also filled with a sand cement topping to prevent weeds, each slab between the rows of brick used around three 80 lb bags of cement. I also purchased a small cement mixer that held 1 bag of cement this was a ‘must’ have item when doing this much cement.

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One Comment

  1. Those little bricks are no comparison to those 80 lbs bags of cement…great job!!

    What a improvement, a little more to do, and it is off the “to do list” 😉 smiles

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