Guest House Shower Rebuild: Cement Board, Red Guard, and Tiling Progress

Shower rebuild in guest house

Well I have not posted in weeks, because the shower rebuild is taking longer than I wanted, I had to get more cement board and I needed “Red guard” to protect the walls, Cement was poured onto the rubber liner, The sub-floor below the liner is 2 sheets of 1/2″ plywood, plus 1″ tapered cement that is tapered to about 5/8″ to the drain that said I just now started to tile, once it gets finished I will make another post with the finished look, I’ve also replaced a window and some other repairs, hopefully in another week the guest house shower will be finished.

You really have to like the improvements with tile, so many choices compared to what they offered 20 years ago, or go back and look at the 1950’s tile when they really used 4″ square tiles as the norm. not to mention the chicken wire and cement they had to deal with. Now it’s cement board nice and flat and strong.

Garage Front Repaint and Repair

Garage Front Repaint and Repair

It’s been hot and humid however in the shade of the north side Karen and I were able to repair the doors and repaint the front, most of the screws that were installed had rusted away on the door hinges, the doors were dragging the ground and had to be lifted. New paint does wonders for the appearance.

There is still lots to do outside however the heat has slowed us down. I like to stage my inside work for the hot days when you really don’t want to be outside unless in in the mornings.