Much Needed Closet

Much Needed Closet

Having lived in several homes you are use to having closets some more some less but always in the bedroom at least! Not here! I guess 225+ years ago closets were an option, after much thought I decided to add one to the spare bedroom still allowing room for a full size bed.

I used 4 foot bi-fold doors as these do not require much space to open, this closet will also provide storage for the vacuum and other items which are currently left standing around because there is no storage space.

The project turned out pretty well, once painted (The whole room needs paint) and I add the baseboard it should look like it’s always been there.

Notes left by previous owners

Notes left by previous owners:

Below the stairs and behind the toilet are old wood doors that hide the hot water heater. Last year I replaced the hot water heater because it was 12+ years old, along with a new toilet, I was not paying attention to the back of the doors and missed the pencil writing. One was 1986 and the other was 1889. My neighbor has lived here 45+ years and told me they gutted the house and restored it sometime in 1980’s.

I just recently had the toilet out again to lay down some vinyl tiles and saw these writings. The doors as you can see are right behind the toilet. Skelton key no longer works 🙂

Restored this house in 1986
J.R. Ball
Carolyn Ball
Charles Wellman

Now it’s due again for a restore, I’ll have to write something behind the doors myself for the next owner.

I’m not sure what the other one says but I can read “June the 8th 1889”