Replacing and Recessing the Load Center in a Small Guest House

Well now that time permitted I replaced the load center in the guest house, why they thought they needed a full size load center for 2 rooms and 1 bath is beyond me, and why is was not placed in the wall instead of having it hang out over 2 inches also puzzles me.

In any case I replaced it with a much smaller unit and also recessed it into the wall as it should have been from the beginning, makes no sense that the load center panel was “Full size” for the 2 room 1 bath guest house, as with other work I have seen it would appear contractors used what they had in the truck to finish the job, as the house is not located close to building suppliers.

Kitchen Remodel Part 4: Lower Base Cabinets, New Countertops, and More

Kitchen Remodel Part 4

After a long 2 years of doing more pressing repairs I was finally able to get the lower base cabinets replaced and new countertops. Undecided about the backsplash we decided to use water resistant “imitation oak” plank flooring. Though this remodel does not represent the “Old” farmhouse look, it does not look contemporary and was wallet friendly. This house had never had a built-in dishwasher which was something we both were use to having.

Moving the stove to the other wall where the windows were removed added much needed wall space and allowed the dishwasher to have a new home next to the sink. All appliances have been replaced and the new 10″ deep sink is really useful.

Click here to see where the stove was moved.