HVAC Ducts Replace: Some wiring just hanging down.

HVAC Ducts Replace:

In or around 2015 (Barcode tag was marked 2015) someone replaced the 6″ HVAC Ducts and did not insulate them as well as not sealing the connections, I had cold air coming out of the crawlspace as well as the ductwork dripping water when the AC ran due to no insulation on the pipes. It was cheaper and much easier just to purchase insulated 6″ flex hose and remove the ducts.

With my laser instant temp readout tool I found the temperature was about 3 degrees colder with the insulated ducts compared to the uninsulated, so the electric and gas bill will benefit from my work.

While I was in there the AC 240 line and the 200 amp main service entrance feed were hanging down so I purchased the large stapes and added where it had none and replaced the ones that were rusted away along with adding missing stapes to the 14/2 and 12/2 wiring also just hanging.  All due to high moisture levels in the crawl.

Update 7/2023 Although work has been done in the main house the crawl is not ‘sealed’ like the guest house (much smaller job) I will contine to work on the mail house moisture issue.

House Front 2nd Floor Renovation: Scraping Paint, Repairing Rotted Window.

House front 2nd floor

Monday and Tuesday of this week was decent weather so I tackled the upstairs bedrooms out front. I scraped paint all day as 90% came off, I did a lead test first and the results were negative. The bottom board was rotted so I added a new 12 foot cedar board. One window is rotted at the bottom and will need lots of work to repair it so I removed it and boarded it up until I have it repaired. It’s starting to take on a fresh look as seen from some of the photos, very hot and humid today however I managed to paint and put one pair of shutters back on. Karen was a big help as usual as she worked on the white trim on the 1st floor.